Thursday, March 22, 2007

List of Common Migraine Triggers

There are many things that precipitate a migraine headache; not only a horrible headache, but also exaggerated sensitivity to sight, sound and smells. Not everyone has the same triggers but when you find out what your trigger is, you avoid a lot pain, discomfort and even disability.

Common Triggers that Precipitate Migraine Attacks:
· Aspartame (artificial sweetener)
· Chocolate
· Caffeine
· Aged cheeses
· Alcohol
· Weather Changes
· Hormone changes (esp. menstruation)
· Air pressure changes (esp. airplanes)
· Stress ( frequently blamed but infrequently the cause)
· Allergies or incompatible foods or drinks such as wheat intolerance or milk (lactose)
intolerance, also soy products.

It is worth noteing that sometimes chocolate will avert an oncoming migraine attack because it affects the dilation (opening) of blood vessels in the head. It is probably due to the caffeine which also helps avert attacks in the early stages. You can read more about the complex nature of migraines at my website and with the free download report available there.

You may also discover that a combination of foods trigger an attack. An example of this would be cheddar cheese and avacado together. Each one alone may not be a problem.

When you discover your triggers and avoid them, it will save you of a lot of pain, discomfort, grief and even disability to function at 100%... Denis Van Loan DDS.

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